
Personal Finance Links

  1. Visit Dinkytown for free personal finance calculators.
  2. If you invest in TIAA Traditional through your employer’s retirement plan with TIAA-CREF, I suggest you read this
  3. Phased out of making Roth IRA contributions? Try the backdoor.
  4. Check out Susan Beacham’s blog if you are interested in kids and money.
  5. Vanguard recently rolled out new exchanged traded funds and a new index fund.
  6. I see eye to eye with Rick Ferri who encourages Forbes readers to buy, hold, and rebalance.
  7. Educate yourself on personal finance through NAPFA’s consumer series. It’s free but you have to register.
  8. Do bonds confuse you? You’re not alone. Learn about bonds courtesy of Vanguard.
  9. Morningstar’s Natalie Choate provides tips and traps about IRA conversions. Scroll down the page to May 4, 2010.
  10. Get credit report tips from Gerri Detweiler via the Garrett Planning Network.
  11. Rick Ferri writes about a new trend in index funds to keep an eye on.