
Numbers to Know for 2011

Happy 2011! Below is a list of the essential numbers and phaseout ranges for this year.

  • Maximum contribution to a Traditional or Roth IRA: $5,000 + $1,000 catch-up if age 50 or over (no change).
  • Maximum contribution to a 401(k) or 403(b) plan: $16,500 + $5,500 catch-up if age 50 or over (no change).
  • Income (modified adjusted gross income) phase out range for deductible Traditional IRA contribution, married filing jointly and covered by employer sponsored retirement plans: $90,000-$110,000.
  • Income phase out range for deductible Traditional IRA contribution, married filing jointly and spouse covered by employer sponsored retirement plan: $169,000-$179,000.
  • Phase out range for deductible Traditional IRA contribution, filing single and covered by employer sponsored retirement plan: $56,000-$66,000 (no change).
  • Phase out range for deductible Traditional IRA contribution, filing single and not covered by employer sponsored retirement plan: no limit.
  • Phase out range for Roth IRA contribution, married filing jointly: $169,000-$179,000.
  • Phase out range for Roth IRA contribution, filing single: $107,000-$122,000.
  • Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment: 0%.
  • Annual gift tax exclusion amount: $13,000 (no change).
  • Marginal income tax rates.
  • Tax changes passed in the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010.
  • Maximum deductible contribution to the Michigan Education Savings Program for Michigan residents: $5,000 single, $10,000 married (no change).

Please note that this blog post is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as advice specific to your situation. You should get advice from a legal, accounting, or investment professional before deciding what course of action is appropriate for you.