Personal Finance Links
- Visit Dinkytown for free personal finance calculators.
- If you invest in TIAA Traditional through your employer’s retirement plan with TIAA-CREF, I suggest you read this
- Phased out of making Roth IRA contributions? Try the backdoor.
- Check out Susan Beacham’s blog if you are interested in kids and money.
- Vanguard recently rolled out new exchanged traded funds and a new index fund.
- I see eye to eye with Rick Ferri who encourages Forbes readers to buy, hold, and rebalance.
- Educate yourself on personal finance through NAPFA’s consumer series. It’s free but you have to register.
- Do bonds confuse you? You’re not alone. Learn about bonds courtesy of Vanguard.
- Morningstar’s Natalie Choate provides tips and traps about IRA conversions. Scroll down the page to May 4, 2010.
- Get credit report tips from Gerri Detweiler via the Garrett Planning Network.
- Rick Ferri writes about a new trend in index funds to keep an eye on.